Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Have you ever been made fun of because of your name? Even worse, have you ever lost out on something because your name was a little off the beaten path? Imagine you have been in public service for most of your life. You're a Mayor who won four terms and was beloved by the citizens that voted you into office. One of the highest honors one could be bestowed with is having a government building or structure named after you.  This honor was ripped away from this poor soul. Not because he ever did anything wrong or because he lost sight of what is was to lead a city, that would have been understandable.  No, the reason for this disrespect is because his name is......

Misery Really Loves Company welcomes Mayor Harry Baals (Balls) of Indiana.  Although you could easily be man groomed, your name just cannot.  I understand both parties here.  On one hand, it should not matter that your name is synonymous with what you should avoid if you are going to wear a speedo, and on the other hand, who wants to visit the Harry Baals Center? I wouldn't be able to visit this place without feeling a bit, let's say, itchy. Sorry there Harry, things would have been so different if your name was Chaven Tess Tickles.

Click her for MSNBC story