Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sleeping Air Traffic Controllers

It's funny when you're trying to watch a movie with your spouse, she/he are clearly sleeping but when you catch them they always say they are not sleeping and sometimes even try to explain what is actually happening in the movie, that's even more funny. It's funny when you are at work and you catch one of your fellow employee's falling asleep during a boring meeting. But it's a whole other thing when the people you depend on to make your airline travel as safe as possible continue to get caught taking naps or even watching movies.  This is unreal and unacceptable.  It's bad enough that air travelers have been asked to give, give and give some more when it comes to the pricing and experience of airline travel, but now we have to worry that the guy that is responsible for helping my plane not crash into another one is either sleeping or watching his favorite episode of 24 instead of keeping an eye and ear out in the sky's

Misery Really Loves Company welcomes all the exhausted air traffic controllers that have not heard of a wonderful product called 5 Hour Energy.  In this particular story a not so bright controller left his microphone on while he was watching a DVD on his laptop.  So while pilots are asking for instruction all they get is an earful of Samuel L. Jackson doing what he does best. Guy's, your killing me here.  I'm all for catching a nap on the job, God knows I have done it several times, but I was monitoring cell site towers not PLANES!  Get a grip fella's and stop playing around with our lives.

Click here for the story

Monday, April 11, 2011

Applebee's serves toddlers!

Forget the kid's meals at Applebee's. An Applebee's restaurant in Michigan might have uncovered something special.  Did you know small children could get wasted on margarita mix?  I didn't, but I might stock up on the stuff if it allows me some peace and quiet. As a father of a rumbustious three year old I have always joked about giving my son a little something in his sippy cup to keep him quiet, at least until dinner is over. Thanks to Applebee's I might have found the right stuff.

But in all seriousness, how the hell does this happen?  Hopefully this was really an oversight and not some jerk playing a joke.  I'll make sure to keep tabs on this one and if someone is found out they will be showcased here, because believe me they will be MISERABLE!

Click here for story